Friday, October 15, 2010

Just me again

The muscles in my arms and legs ached all day yesterday. I refrained from overloading on the Tylenol, but finally about 8:30 last night, I took a couple. I was freezing and having a hard time going to sleep. The Tylenol did the trick.

Today the ache returns along with the chills. I have a call in to Doc. I want to know how much Tylenol I could take in 24 hours without hurting my liver. I am hoping whatever causes me to feel this way will disappear over the weekend. I told the nurse I would call again Monday if the symptoms continue. She will check with Doc and let me know. I can take 650 mg three times a day. (She just called back.)

My last bloodwork showed I am vitamin D deficient, so now I have to take 50,000 IUs once a week for six weeks. My health reminds me of that arcade game in which you use a mallet to try to hit objects popping up. Take care of one ailment and another pops up.

I am sorry if what I write disturbs people or makes them not want to be around me. I am me, probably for the first time in a great while. You could interpret this blog as a cry for attention. That would be true. I feel so alone at times. Something all people go through. Physical affects mental as well. I am sad again.

Crazy, Dude.


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