Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Post toasties

I dillydally instead of writing. Today may turn into one of those days.

My arm aches some because of the flu shot. The pain will go away quickly compared to what the flu would do to my body. I have been exercising that arm by playing FT. Now the game becomes medicinal. Ha.

Some of my PH friends remember the exact date they were diagnosed and others recall the dates they received medicine and felt better. I do not. I remember gasping for air by the mailboxes at work. I also remember my feet were so swollen I could not get my tennis shoes on. I once took my mom to the doctor and I had to stop the car to catch my breath after maneuvering out of a tight parking spot.

Once Doc diagnosed me and I got medicine, I sort of forgot the PH for awhile. Oh, I read all sorts of web sites, but I was busy and felt better, so ... My block anything bad mind did just that. Finally, 10 days in the hospital with pneumonia convinced me how bad I was. Being pretty stupid as well, I went to my PCP and he was the admitting doctor. He almost killed me. He ranks up there as a good guy, but a PCP nonetheless.

A visit to Doc's office for a checkup always lifts me. He treats me as an equal although I know he gets a little irritated with me. He explains everything I ask. The whole staff exemplifies what a well-run office should be.

I am sorry dear friends if I continue to hide. The reasons are many, none of which fall on your shoulders. I am heartened by your notes and posts. I would not blame you at all if you stopped.

Dude, you know.


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