Saturday, May 1, 2010

Party hearty

One of the CFers you told me to take under my wing if she followed your advice and came to PH chat, soon will join you. We did make connection on FB, but she became sick enough to admit shortly after. Now, she lets go.

How can I put this? Sometimes I feel as if a piece of me dies when even those I know only slightly leave this earth. Mourning what was not, I guess.

If wishes were airplanes, I would be in Boston right now. Just for you. I did not come for many reasons. The day holds the potential for so many emotion-inducing moments. Sometimes a solo works best, sometimes a chorus.

I most certainly will be there in spirit tonight. The party culminates an effort by your brothers to honor you. Your folks played a major part in it, too. I am sorry you did not live to bask in the praises. But in my heart, I know you know. The goonies did good.

You were a great one, dude.


P.S. Your CF friend can breathe easy now. Rest in peace, Sonia.

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